Run on 21 Jul 2012 at East Coast
Start run at 6.41 am from Ford road car park, we decided to do a longer run today. Was a little slow to warm up today, did not have a good start to the day. Woke up a little late at 5.31 am and had to rush to meet my buddy at 6.15 am. Started slow, running around 6-6.10 per km pace for the first 3km. Picked up a little during the next few km, was running about 6min per km by the 7 km or so. Did not feel good at about 8.8 km, stomach discomfort until about 12 plus km. Tried to maintain about slightly below 6/km until about 18.7km, could not hang on anymore, ask my buddy to go ahead. Decided to consume a pack of gel and has another water break at the toilet. From them on, just tried to maintain a slow pace and run/walk till 22.5 km. From then on decided to just hang on and run all the way till the end. Accelerated from 6 to about 5.30/km towards the end. Total distance covered 24.26 km in 2 hr 31min 42sec. I think the bad run today is due to my not clearing my not having clearing my bowel completely before the run. Good lesson learnt, should not repeat this again.