How to extend our mental capability

Can human transmit signal or message using our brain wave ?Is this the way to communicate with the unknown and beyond ? Many people would sincerely want to believe that human can go beyond what they can do. There are so many small little things they do that do not make sense. Human need to think unselfishly, beyond personal gain and needs, to achieve greater things.

It is very difficult for human to think and act unselfishly, they tend  to want all things to themselves. They have the capacity but not the preserverance to actually do a lot of good acts for the good of all.

Human will need to train their their children to think and put a framework around education in school to incorporate Thinking class into the cirriculum. They need to guide their mind and try their best to prevent it from picking up the bad thinking. The mind is all powerful but barely reach even their minimum capacity for most people. 


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