Human should start exploring beyond the orbit around earth

Human should really start exploring beyond their comfort zone, the orbit around earth. A good start would be going to the moon and back regularly, it would solve many of the technical space technoloy needed for further space travel. If human do not make this move soon, they will always be stuck with primitive space travel technology. If they cannot solve short space travel issue, they can forget about getting to mars and back. It is naive to think that they can actually leapfrog the technology needed in space travel. There is saying that says "learn to walk properly, before you attempt to run" !

Everyone know that space is a harsh environment, human are weak phyiscally and need all the basic elements to survive. So there are so many things they need to get right before further exploration can proceed.

Get the basic reliable launch technology right for regular launch, at least launch within hours of a initial mission. Get the basic space craft to survive for 30 days, recycle the breadthable air, food issues and of course energy issues.

It just expand too much energy with their current launch technology, so it will be advisable to assemble or build in space, get the space suit right for convenience long duration space walk.

So human can see the enormous technological issues that they need to resolve for any real regular space travel by the physical human to take place. But seems like everyone only want to see quick results but not planning for the long term !


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