Leaders should stop manipulating followers!

Humans’ action is based on how their mind are being influenced, no such thing as a “free will”! Usually, their thoughts are being bombarded with ideals from their leaders, the power hungry ones. They are being manipulated everyday by such people who want them to think that they are doing great things to benefit the masses. But, many know this is not true!

Humans created most of their own suffering, by being ignorant, selfish, power hungry and the list goes on. Humans is the only living things to go to extreme to kill each other. 

If humans can think logically, they can reduce their problems by many times, but the leaders of different countries do not have a similar goals, that is to live in peace. Well, it will take a long time or they might never even achieve this goal!

The resources that human wasted on defences could have brought them to Mars 30 years ago, but their selfish nature just trapped them in a vicious cycle of fighting that will never end if they do not wake up from their slumber!


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