Quest for Unknown aid human progress

Human beings need to have a thirst for the unknown, which will ultimately lead to the progress of their being a living civilisation. It is quite meaningless, if human intend to just deplete the planet’s resources over time. 

What is limiting human beings, to relate to their greater surroundings, is their current technology level and thinking. They will ultimately make progress by just working on their technology constantly. 

They will need to be less selfish and less power hunger to survive and to avoid destroying their own race. Power can never be trusted onto a few good individuals, who will ultimately go astray over time. Human feelings and thinking can change for no reasons, due to their weak mind. Human leaders are too dominating and have too many personal agenda, they tend to neglect the general population no matter how hard they think they are trying. The human mind is fickle and easily influenced by the selfish mind. 


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