What will stopped human fighting each other?

Human beings are irrational and have innate fear of being dominated by some other race, faith, or groups or whatever you called them. 

They cannot seemed to trust each other, as they know that they themselves can be controlled by external factors which they totally cannot defend against.

Once in awhile powerful people who are irrational and cannot control themselves would create trouble for the world, just like what’s happening right now, 24 Mar 2022. 

The one thing that can really unite the so called human race is perhaps a real alien invasion that will destroy the human world. 

The funny thing is that although this seemed to be the only solution, human would be wiped out if ever any alien ever reached earth. They would be so much more advanced in terms of technology that there is no way for primitive human to defend themselves. 

Well, there is also another comforting thing that would likely happen, they would not even bother to come, just observing the activities on earth would make the alien puke and turn away. 

If they come and takeover earth, then they are not that advanced in the way they think and live, they would just be like human!

Congratulations to human, you can continue to fight another 1000 years or 100,000 years and no one will come to earth. 

Human are born with gene that are inherently greedy, domineering, selfish and due to these innate factors which lead to not trusting each other. So there is no real solution and there bound to be such powerful people appearing now and then in human history to destroy whatever stable state that has been achieved. So it seemed that building and rebuilding is a cycle that entrapped the human race due to bad inherent genetics.


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