Recent few run

Did not run much after Standard Chartered Marathon on 1 Dec 2013. The 1st run was a 10km at the gym due to wet whether, equaled my pb 49min47sec. The 2nd run was a 10km at the track, completed in 55min36sec and the 3rd run was a 10km at the track as well on 14 Dec, 53min20sec. The most recent was on Sunday 15 Dec 2013, a 6km run at the gym in 30min13sec. I felt that after a marathon, you have the confident of completing shorter run easily. I feel I need to go out and run a maybe quick 5km or shorter distance to gauge whether I have improve on my running during the last 1 year. I find that I am always controlling my run a lot nowadays, I guess it comes from the habit of ensuring I competed my long run, so always put aside some reserve energy to finish comfortably.


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