
Showing posts from September, 2015

High population growth is an issue

High population growth is still an issue in many parts of the world, and subsequently bring about other related issues such as water population, hygiene, shortage of food, deforestation, crime and many others. One of the main issue is housing millions of people in proper housing with adequate water, food and giving them a job. Historically, people are attracted to big population area with jobs to offer, and this start off leaving rural areas sparsely populated, but causing cities to be jammed packed with millions. This in turn caused a housing issue, many high rise buildings need to be built to house these people. High density housing becomes the norm and all sorts of social issues start to emerge, which is prevalent in our modern society. So economic growth at what "cost" ? Human created all these self inflicted problems and can blame no one. We need to find balance even when want economic growth and try to pre-empt and eliminate such p...

Running at the top level is difficult

Running at the top level is difficult. You have to be super disciplined, make sacrifices to eat well, rest well and stick to your game plane plus keep pushing hard to breakthrough to the next level. But, do not resort to making use of prohibited substances, such uses have tarnished the image of the sport. Everyone get suspicious when competition results are so good!

Asian Gap in Athletics Performance

From the recent World Championship results, it is obvious that Asia is so far behind. The most populous continent only produce so few medalist and in some events, there are no finalists at all. Even Asian powerhouse become so insignificant at such world level competition, something is not right at all. Sometimes, I think it show how determine the Asian athletes are compare to some small unknown countries. Or maybe it's how bad you want to win for your country and how much you know about the level of competition and how you train to face off the competition. I think Asian athletes need to change their mindset, training and awareness of the competition in order to win in future world level competition.

Teaching People to use their mind power

All normal people can think, it's just a matter of how much and how deep your thinking goes! Most people do not know much about making full use of their mind, most people think alike and this is the evident that they do not give much thoughts about their everyday live. I think it would be good to teach people how to think effectively from young. But thinking can be a difficult subject to teach, if everyone can thinking logically and effectively, this world will be a much better place to live.

World Athletics Championship 2015

The World Athletics Championship just concluded recently in Beijing, China, with Kenya topping the medal standing, followed by Jamaica, USA, UK and Ethiopia. Actually, it's not fun to have a competition whereby the winners always come from the few countries. Hopefully, in the near future, countries with big population will raise to challenge for medals and more even competition, especially China, India, Indonesia, Brazil and the rest of the nations. And hopefully, we have honest competition from all countries!