Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore 2023

Signed up for this event very late this year, around 19 August. Tried to clock as much mileage, but somehow plans just do not go as thought. Total around 962km before the race, with the longest run being about 28km. 

Bought a pair of Addidas Boston 12 about 1 month before, and managed to run a 25km with this shoe. Overall the feel was soft on the sole and comfortable, feel good. Bought a new running belt as well, which was good, comes with clip for running number tab.

Slept early around 9.37pm and managed to get the best sleep ever before a 42km and got up promptly around 2.15 am on 3 dec.

Reached the start point around 4.20am and was at the start pen at 4.33 am. The start was delayed to about 4.37am and started the run at 5.11am as the pen was “E”.

As usual, the start is always uneventful and dreaded. Went into the run without much expectation, just wanted to be faster than last year.

Just ran as easy as the body possibly could, spent time looking at other runners and trying to figure out their purpose vs own thoughts. 

1 unfortunate event was witnessed, returning half marathon runners running against the mass crowd! Feel sorry for the guy who came in 3rd, he had to look for marshals and security personnel for help during this 2km stretch of his run.

Reached the 5km mark around 36min, tried hard to recall what I read from watch during the run but somehow just could not remember some of the numbers.

Kept trying to keep a positive mindset and not be too apprehensive about own condition due to lack of mileage. Actually, looking at how others run, somehow helps to keep the mind occupied and not too worried about getting tired.

Reached 10km at around 1hour 10min. From 10 to about 15km, seemed to find it tough and time seemed to be slow moving. Reached 15km at 1 hour 44min, just about to reach the Marina barrage. 

When reaching the 2 hour mark, the distance covered was around 17km. At this point, location was around the long road through the construction area leading to the ford road area. 

Recalled that when eventually entered the Ford road or east coast service road, it was around 19km. Could feel random rain drops, seemed like a rain shower was coming on. 

The feeling was like I need to go for a toilet break, but I just continued till I passed the half marathon mark at 2hr 28min. I could feel I was slowing down and getting tired. I told myself to just relax and run easy, don’t set any expectation or panic about a slow time.

I tried to push myself a little bit here and there, try not to slow down too much, to avoid too much regrets later post race. I kept looking out for the next km marker and feels happy at passing each of the marker. Reached 25km at 2hr 57min.

Soon it was the turnaround point and I was just happy to be finally leaving east coast park and running along the East Coast Park highway. 

I remembered how I suffered in the 2022 edition at this stretch, but this year it was not so bad, my core seemed to be holding up well and the cloudy weather helps.

Just before entering garden by the bay east, it started to rain and soon my running top was all soaking wet! I removed my spectacle and keep it in my porch. Reached 30km in around 3 hr 36min.

The rain actually helps and but I still had to start my first muscle rub around the 34km mark. I was trying so hard to fight the muscle cramps from starting too early, I just ran through a few of light cramps and they went away earlier. Spent about15 secs or so to rub down the legs and then started to run slowly again. 

Reached 35km at about 4hr 15min. At the water station, I poured water over head for the 3rd time to cool my body down. This was around Marina barrage, I was tired but still managed to slow run about 7min45pace, I told myself I am not going to high 40 minutes 5km like I did in 2022.

Now passing the stretch before the Sheare Bridge around 37km. I just tried to run as easy as possible up the whole stretch of the bridge and got over it successfully to pass the 39km mark!

Almost there, down the bridge and passed 40km around Nicoll highway, time 4hr54min. This straight stretch was over the bridge to stadium drive, which seemed to be a long stretch, just tried my best not to slow down any further. 

Reached 41km around 5hr 2min, and now just the 1.2km left. When you are tired, this last bit seemed to last a long time, finally reached round about and the last 200m. When I see the stadium entrance, I just let myself go and run as fast as I possibly could! Final result 5:09:25 ! 


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