Run number 1 at ECP 20 km

Completed my 1st 20km run of 2013 at the ECP this morning with my running buddy. We started the run at 5.55am from our usual  start point at the toilet at Ford Road carpark. Today is the first time I am using my new polar watch the RC3GPS. Seems to have some problem detecting the satellite signal and was only able to detect it near the 8-9  mark. Started slow around 10 km/hr, as my watch was not getting the signal, I just had to depend on my buddy to do the pacing. Felt like we were going quite fast but it was only 10.4 to 10.7 km/hr. reached the turning point at about 56 min. After turning around, I felt better but try to control pace. My buddy told me that I always tend to run fast after turning around and ask me to try to maintain a even pace, to con serve energy for later. This seems to work well for me, I was able to pickup speed for the last 3 to 4 km comfortably. I just try to maintain 11 plus km/hr for the last 2 km and push it up further to 12plus km/hr for last 200m or so. I finished in a new pb of 1hr50min53sec, not bad for a 1st long run.



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