Standard Marathon Singapore 2 Dec 2012

Continue from my last post.

Turning into Ford Road at the 13 km mark, feeling fine but dare not run any faster than 10 km/h. Still uneventful as it was still dark, just try to run easy. At about 6.40 am, the sky began to slowly let some lights through, at about the 18 plus km. Eventually reached the halfway point at about 7.05am. Began to feel a little tired, but still OK, try to relax and just run. But my lack of training began to be obvious, getting more and more tired. When I reached the 26km mark, can start to feel a little bit of cramp in my thigh area even after consuming salt tablet. I can see the white streak of sweat flowing down my thigh, meaning my body was not absorbing the salt. This stretch of East Coast Parkway seems like its never ending, but finally reach the banana station which is about 29 km. Eat the banana and began to run slowly again after walking for a while. I know that to go below 5 hours, I cannot afford to walk too much. Leaving behind ECP, its the long and boring stretch into Marina East Garden, this is about 30 km now. Knowing that this is going to be the most boring part, I start to run a little faster. Finally I entered the East Garden, I consumed 1 pack of double shot gels and drink some water at the next station. But it was almost useless, as both my thigh developed cramps just after the 33 km mark. Luckily, from previous experience I know that it will go away, so I started to run about 30 secs later and I ran all the way till I past the Marina Barrage Bridge into Marina South and only slow to a walk at the water station. I pour water over my head to cool myself down and drunk some water as well. Start to slowly run past the Conservatory at the Garden by the Bay, its over 35km now. I was tired now but use the walk run method and managed to struggle my way to the ECP highway and run slowly up the Shear Bridge, its now about 37plus km plus. Past the Shear Brigde and down and its about 38-39 km. When I reached the Flyer and now 40km, I saw this man of about 60plus in front of me, I am not sure is he running the full marathon, but I was ashamed of myself. So from that point onwards, I began to speed up a little. When I saw the Esplanade Theatre, I picked up speed further. When I turned onto the Esplanade Bridge, I know the end is near, I started to run a little bit faster, my pace is now probably around 6 min plus per km. (from8-9min/km). I just used whatever strength that I can gather and run faster and faster. When I reached the end and turned onto Anderson Bridge, I start to pickup even more speed. And finally turned onto the home stretch, I just run as fast as I can and cross the finish line in 4 hr 57min 52sec. A PB for me, I was happy that I dipped below the 5 hr mark but was not so happy that I did not push as much as I would like to. Anyway, there will always be another race, I will train harder  this time round and achieve a 4 hr maybe in this year SCB Marathon.


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