Overcoming the limitation of the mind

Our mind is very powerful, so much more powerful than anyone can imagine. So when the mind is contaminated, it can become scary. Just like what is happening around the world, those who turn "bad" make this world a miserable place to live in.

They are so self centre and seems like nothing can change them. They are so powerful that they can make so many people obey their order. And it seems like there are so many of them out there trying to create trouble every where.

How to change the mind set of all these people ? I think it has to start with education from young, and parents and teachers should set a good example. And we must start a subject call thinking class, teaching each child to think in a positive way. Human is ultimately a complicated living things that are easily influence and cannot think logically. Our so called rational ways do not apply to every individual, so no matter how we perfect our teaching, there will be exceptional cases. Life is after all not predictable, we just have to be prepared to deal with those odd ones.

Lastly, we need to be able and in control of our mind and not let it dictate us in doing irrational things that harm our fellow humans and the natural environment. We have to elevate ourselves from our body and mind, and try to separate our emotion from our actions.


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