19.01 km run on 30 Sep 2017

Completed my longest run of 19.01 km for the year 2017 on 30 Sep 2017, Saturday. I covered the distance in 2hr 1min 7sec, averaging 6:22 per km. The 1st 12-13km was fine, but the later part of run was not good at all. I had to keep telling my not to walk no matter how tired I was, no pain no gain, just had to bear with it. I have a 32.195km run coming up on 29 Oct 2017, so I have to log some mileage to ensure I can comfortably complete the run. I need to be mentally tougher, the mind always trick us to believe that we cannot make it to the end. I need to keep reminding my conscious self to not be influenced by the voice in head.


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