
Showing posts from 2022

SpaceX achieved 59th launch

SpaceX has made launching rockets and multiple satellites such a routine, so much so that not many people would have noticed that they have done it 59 times in 2022! A few more launches coming up in the next few days before the new year.  The company has exceeded so many space launch records and in terms of reusability of rockets, they have far exceeded every nation or company on earth. They have so far reused a rockets(stage 1)150 plus times, with a record15 times from just 1 rocket. No nation or company has ever even done it once in terms of reusing a rocket, flying to 70km and landing it successfully and reuse it.

SpaceX 47 launches in 2022

SpaceX has launched 47 missions to orbit as of 15 October 2022, way ahead of every other nation or organisation. The majority of these are Starlink mission.  It’s reausable first stage booster rocket technology is way ahead of everyone on earth, with the leader of the pack at 14 missions.  If successful, it’s next rocket or spacecraft Starship, will be even more advanced!

The Lion City can build a indoor athletic stadium to boost standard

The city can afford huge infrastructure and big arm deal but cannot afford to build a indoor athletic stadium. Anyway they built a while elephant private public stadium that wasted tonnes of money,  Ya, people should ask why. A real indoor athletic stadium would help boost standards, as weather would be taken care of.

SpaceX record 33 launches July 2022

SpaceX already broken it’s all time yearly launch record of 31,  it achieved 33 launches before end July 2022. What an achievement!

Human need to overcome built in evil

There is a devil in each human being, overcoming it is a challenge in life! All human beings gave in to the Devil at times in life!

SpaceX 26th Launch in 2022

There is still 9 days left in June 2022, and SpaceX has already completed 26 launches to orbit, although a majority of them are Starlink launches.  Not many are aware that this is a very impressive and unprecedented achievement even by a superpower standard, not least a private company. Even NASA at its peak could not have achieved such a feat with the rest of the industry! More impressive is the fact that SpaceX has more than a hundred reuse of its first stage rockets. The most re-flight of a block 5 first stage is 13th times, no other companies or countries have ever gotten up to orbit and back even once with a real payload. Without the governing bodies, SpaceX could have achieved much more. They are like trying to restrain a horse trying to gallop away from a bunch of tortoises.  The industry as a whole seemed to have been totally left behind in the technology chase!

SpaceX completed 21 successful launches to Date in 2022

SpaceX has already completed 21 successful launches to date in 2022. 

New shoes Addidas Adios 6 with lightstrike pro

Bought a new pair of Addidas Adios 6 on 14 May 2022 from Queensway Shopping Centre. I wore it for a first run on 15 May 2022 Sunday, covered 7.16km in 40 min 34sec, averaging 5:39 per km. can definitely felt the difference between my usual flat New Balances shoes. It’s so much easier to run with the cushion and energy returned.

SpaceX 17th flight so far in 2022

The fourth month of 2022 is coming to an end and SpaceX just concluded the 17th launch of the year. 10 of these launches were for its own Starlink satellites constellation. It also set a record for itself of 6 launches in April. 

Vehicle control and propulsion

What comes to mind when you read this subject? Yes, human need to be able to precisely control the vehicles that they used. They need to find an interface that would enable them to do that with exact precision and at the same time possess the situational awareness.  Vehicles are made to help human get to where they want to go, as human body cannot do so in quick time due to physical limitation. Vehicles can travel much faster than human, but do not have a purpose without human.  Ironically, human want to go fast but they also lack the ability to detect speed, have control of the vehicles and the awareness of the environment. Awareness of the environment for the vehicle can be enhanced with radar, speedometer, attitude detection an so fire.  Currently technology lacks the detection range in the vehicles itself, especially ground vehicles. Control of the vehicles is also a problem as human judgement is never accurate when they are at high speed. The number road accident proved this point

What will stopped human fighting each other?

Human beings are irrational and have innate fear of being dominated by some other race, faith, or groups or whatever you called them.  They cannot seemed to trust each other, as they know that they themselves can be controlled by external factors which they totally cannot defend against. Once in awhile powerful people who are irrational and cannot control themselves would create trouble for the world, just like what’s happening right now, 24 Mar 2022.  The one thing that can really unite the so called human race is perhaps a real alien invasion that will destroy the human world.  The funny thing is that although this seemed to be the only solution, human would be wiped out if ever any alien ever reached earth. They would be so much more advanced in terms of technology that there is no way for primitive human to defend themselves.  Well, there is also another comforting thing that would likely happen, they would not even bother to come, just observing the activities on earth would make

Ukraine war would spur countries to upgrade Armed Forces

The ongoing war in Ukraine made Russia neighbouring countries woke up to their vulnerability to a sudden invasion! Every Russian neighbour is going to upgrade their armed forces just to make sure they put up a good fight if they ever come under a similar invasion. The military industry is going to be busy in the foreseeable future. 

Singapore running 25.01km, 12 Mar 2022

Completed 25.01 km in 2hr 57min 9sec, on 12 Mar 2022 Saturday. Started from Yio Chu Kang Road, Lentor to Upper Thomson road, to Sembawang road till after Sembawang Shopping mall, then to Sembawang Park then to Canberra estate, then via Yishun, Lentor Avenue to my start point.

SpaceX completed 6 launches in 35 days in 2022

SpaceX completed 6 launches in less than 35 days in the beginning of year 2022.  If there is no bureaucrats stopping the companies, human would probably reached the moon again in 2023. But, too bad the people in control like to keep ordinary citizens in line.  Anyway, SpaceX already overachieved by a lot. So much so that the next best player is already like years behind. Just name 1 company or country that has ever landed a orbital class rocket once ? The answer is none for maybe another 18-24 months conservatively. Think about it…..

Near Space exploration and getting it right!

Space is indeed a new frontier for the human race, as they cannot breathe freely like on earth. There is not even a platform for them to stand on, it’s just sheer vast emptiness that seems ready to pound on them and take their life away.  The question is why don’t they establish a permanent presence in space? The answer is simple: because it is already difficult for human to go into space as it is not their natural living environment.  To survive permanently in space, they need to first mastered the means to survive in space, more efficiently.  How long can they survive in their current space suit? Maybe at most 6 to 10 hours? This again just shows the extreme vulnerability of human existence in space, no breathable atmosphere! Human need permanent life support once they stepped out of their spacecraft.  So why aren’t they building a proper spaceship that can accommodate all their needs? The answer: human current state of technology do not allowed them to do so. Secondly, they are more