
Breaking My Marathon PB 4Hr47Min26Sec in 2025

My marathon PB was run at a pace of 6min48.72sec, back in Dec 2014. It’s not fast at all, but I having a hard time trying to better it in the last 10 years! Why? What is the reason?  Because I am not discipline enough to do all the necessary long run during the 3 months before the actual marathon run. I need to hit the 4 times 32km run just before the race and also the weekly half marathon or 22 to 23 km run 2 months before the 4 times 32 Km runs.  The training is to prepare the body to be accustomed to running long distances   at a certain pace, so that you can replicate the same effort during the actual marathon run.

RXN JMMS ship announcement when ?

The RXN JMMS ship has been talked about for maybe the last 10 or more years, but there is still no official announcement yet till today 11 Jan 2025.  A lot of people are curious about the details of the ship, how much bigger will the new ship than the current ones in service? Will it have a through deck for aircraft? Of course it would be better to have a through deck like an aircraft carrier, but hopefully something different from the conventional design where you have a tower in the middle side of the ship!  Hopefully it would be like at the rear end of the ship where you can see the whole deck operation! Anything bigger than 200 metre would be a thumbs up, it make little sense and a waste of material and effort to build a smaller ship! The country itself is so small and without any hinterland to say at all, it make sense to have a movable platform to at least keep some hardware away from any possible enemies! Hopefully at least 3 ships are built to a larger scale to have a ...

Earth Can Saved 2.443 trillion dollars in 2023

Human can saved 2.443 trillion in the year 2023 if   human can stopped fighting each other!  Everyone of us on Earth would agreed to this same statement but the world leaders just cannot seemed to agree and continued to fight each other! Because human is just inherently stupid to realise this basic statement!

Do People want a country that topped every other countries?

Do ordinary people want their country to topped every other country in all measurable economic categories? Or be a country that all citizens live happily? I think being able to live happily most of our life would be a desirable state of being! People nowadays are crowded by greed and materialism, so much so that they forgot a happy life is the best thing to achieve.  Why go through all the troubles to be at the top but not being happy most of the time? It can be so tiring to live a hectic lifestyle just to measure up to the rest of people!

SCSM 2024, 1 Dec 2024 Sunday

I completed my 16th full marathon at the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2024, on 1 Dec 2024 Sunday. The race was supposed to start at 4:25am but my start pen E only get to crossed the start line at 5.10am.  The race organisation seemed to have dropped in standard, or maybe the race should be controlled in terms of the number of participants.  The road closures were not organised properly, we were just at the gate of the start point, but there were no road closure of that stretch of road. Race participants were made to wait for the flowing traffic, when the race had started! I intend to talk about my race but I just had to get some vending of the lousy race organisation when we had paid  a hundred or more dollars on the race and not counting the transportation cost. Roads at the race entrance should be totally closed to facilitate better human traffic flow. Otherwise please limit the number of participants! The route plan was bad as well, those who reached the 30 km...

Human Not using techno to benefit the masses

Human is not using technology to help themselves but instead it has been used to benefit the evil human in their society! People are dying in wars, dying of hunger or dying of unhealthy food and more! The most misused of technology is in war, who get a budget of hundred of billions, the defence ministries in most countries! Human need basic change in their brain to get it right but they have a huge difficulty in getting it done, just look at the wars in the last 5000 years!

SpaceX 79th launch completed on 15 August 2024

SpaceX performed its 79th launch of 2024 on 15 August, deploying 2 satellites for Maxar. At this rate, no other entity or any country has a chance of catching up with SpaceX! SpaceX just has a much much better launch system, it would take years for anyone to equal them or maybe not!