10 km PB on 2 March 2013

Finally break through the 51 min barrier for 10km today at the gym, clocked 50min 56sec. I am wondering if I can do it on a road run or at the stadium. I covered a total of 11 km in 55min 48 sec.  My pace was an average of 5:06 per km for 10 km and just slightly over 5:04 for the 11km. If I had ecorded this time at the stadium , I would definitely be quite happy as its much more difficult to run this pace outdoor. I am eager to see how I fair in the next 20km run at ECP, is it possible to record a 1hr 49min? I reckon I am capable of achieving such a time, also looking forward to the 7 April Run 350, I am looking forward to running a 1hr 50min 21.1 km ! Somehow I am feeling strong after today's run, I am quite sure I can break the 50 min for 10km pretty soon. I am physically and mentally stronger now, I guess visualising what you want achieve do really helps towards actual performance. Seems like I am finally breaking down the barrier I believe to be there previously. Now I finally realise what people meant when they say you achieve what you believe you can achieve. Visualisation is a really powerful tool we possess but few people are able to really understand and reap the benefit of using visualisation in whatever we do,


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