2XU Half Marathon 31 Mar 2013

Reached the F1 Pit area around 5.10am together with my running buddy, deposited our stuff and i went to the toilet. Quickly went to the start point but we were almost right at the back. The 1st wave started at 5.30am but we had to wait for 12 more min and start with the second wave due to the huge crowd. The 1st 2-3 km was really slow and you just had to try to overtake some of the slower runners by squeezing through whenever there is a chance. The weather was really humid and I start to perspire a lot. Reached 5km in 29min 26sec, took a cup of sports drink at 6km, so slowing down to 6min 21sec. There was a stretch from 5plus to 6.3 km which was extremely dark, so had to be really careful. Eventually reached 10km in 59min13sec, feeling ok but I know I am not in the best condition to push my speed. I was just hoping to maintain 5min30us pace till 15km. Did not achieve my goal, only managed a 5min30 for the 14-15km and 15-16km. Start to fall back a little for 16-17, managing a 5:42. It got worst for the 17-18km, the was really getting to me, had to chill myself at 18km by pouring water over my head. Speeded up a little from18-18km, managing a 5:41 but slow to a 5:56 for the 19-20km. My temperature sea to be getting higher, but I know I had to start running faster. I tried to open up a little but had to push myself really hard, after turning around and getting into the last stretch which is the entire F1 grandstand. I just run as hard as possible and sprinted the last 100m or so, finishing in 2hr2min56sec. It was a tough run, my body is just not fit enough to go below 2hr. Hopefully next week 350 run will be a better experience. 


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