The Future of Human

The one factor that will determine our future is technology. What is technology ? Technology is the skill that we develop that will help us do things more efficiently through the tools that we develop. It can save us and can also destroy us.

We need to at the same time tame the animal in us, the greed that we harbour, the power that we crave, our self-centre nature. Human only think about themselves and never really think about how we change our environment through our actions.

We are all physically the same but the different races cannot see eye to eye and are always trying to control others. We really need to think hard about how we are affected by our mind. Everyone has a brain but how we develop our thinking will determine how we live and our future.

We are at a point where we can destroy ourselves and our planet a few times over, but sadly we are still trying to cheat each other and kill each other because of different mind set. Why do we need to have power to control others and kill whenever there is a big disparity in views ? We are after all primitive in our thinking but no body admit it!

We need to learn to think in a good way that will help us to create a future that is beneficial to all and take us off our planet to explore the greater world above and beyond Earth !


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