It's Time to start Thinking

Why do we end up with our current state of world affairs ? Well, one of the reason is because many of us human are not thinking right! Our mind are easily influence by what other people say and our actions are a results of the ideas we absorbed from these people. If these information we absorbed are bad and evil, the decisions we made and things we do will harm people around us and our surrounding.

We need to start thinking right and we need to teach people how to think right. We should start with the way education are given and start a subject called 'Thinking'!  We should teach people to make good use of our powerful mind to the benefit of our kind and the planet we live on.

The trouble we are in now, the way the world is evolving, is a direct consequences of the actions of the bad thinking of many of our fellow humans. Whatever stress and suffering we experience are all self inflicted.

Imagine the world without war, without crime, it would be a wonderful world !


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