Running need some natural talent

I read on JRN that Yuki Kawauchi just ran his 28th sub 2:13 marathon and 50th sub 2:18 of his career. This why this is titled Running need some natural talent, if you are not born with some physical talent, I do not think a normal human can achieved such results.

He work full time in a school from Monday to Friday and he is not a professional runner. How do you find time to train to run this fast ? He races often and uses these races as training run as well. He often run with so much effort, you can see the strain on his body as he run with grimacing expression.

Anyone who is really into running, will know how 'fast' is sub 2:13. If you ever run sub 2:13, you are a runner who is at least 99.5 percent faster than all human beings on earth. He has done 28th sub 2:13, his fastest is 2:08:13.

If I can ever break 3:30, it would be a super achievement ! I hope his news would inspire me to run more seriously and faster in the coming years !

He is not the fastest in the world but I think his achievement is extremely rare even at professional level. And he is not even 30 years old yet !

For complete Yuki Kawauchi full race results and race reports, go to :


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