Experience gained from a Race

I tried to analyse each race and figure out what I have learnt from a particular race. For instance, the Run 350 I did on 7 Apr 2013, Sunday, overall it is a pleasant race ran at a comfortable pace. The first 3-4 km was as usual, bottleneck here and there, getting the body warn up and getting into a rhythm. Then there was the additional tightness around my right foot which was unusual and I had to stop twice, to try to loosen the shoe lace a little. Then as my pace steady, I was apprehensive about increasing my speed marginally, as I was not confident that I can substain it. I was thinking too much about wearing myself out early in the race and subsequently running at a reduce pace for the major part of the race which will definitely slow my finishing time. I am still thinking why my body temperature was raising so fast and not maintain at a manageable level like in my training run, did the humidity increased so substantially recently in Singapore ? By the way, my official timing for Run 350 is 2hr2min7.68sec.


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