Run 350 on 7 April 2013 Sunday

Woke late today 4.28 am, I set my alarm for 3.30am. Quickly drink a cup of warm water and quickly go to the washroom to wash up. Leave house at 5am and reached City Hall at 5.20am, took a slow jog to the start point at the floating platform. Deposited my bag and jog to the start point at the F1 pit. Just managed to join the rear end of the start as the start signal went off. Took about 3 min to reach the start line. Start slow, covered 1st km in 6:10, keep getting the feeling that my right feet was too tight, stopped twice in the 1st 2km to loosen it slightly, slowing to a 6:50 2nd km. Tried to run easy and hope the tight feeling in the right foot goes away, covered 3rd km in 6:03. The tight feeling in the right foot was gone by 4km, 5:44 4th km. Reached 5km in 30min:22, split time of 5:33 per km. Feeling ok at this point, covered 6th km in 5:38. Luckilythe organiser managed to avoid the dark stretch that 2xu went through. Covered 7km in 5:33, 8km in 5:38, slowing to 5:43 9km, reached 10km in 58:43, spilt of 5:46 per km. was actually running quite smoothly, covered 11 km in 5:39 , but slowing to a 5:47 , 12km. Not going any faster, covered the 13 km in 5:49. The sky starting to clear now, covered the 14km in 5:40 but covered the 15km in 5:54. Can now hear music from the floating  platform but slowing further to 6min pace for the 16km. Although its not as humid as last Sunday, just cannot seems to get any faster, covered the17th km in 5:48. Covered the 18k
in 5:49, although still running quite smoothly, can feel that my body temperature was going up. Covered the 19 Km in 5:40 and the 20km in 5:52. Although the finish is near, does not seems to be able to push my body much, covered 21km in 5:15, eventually finished in 2hr3min21sec.


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