
Showing posts from January, 2014

10.17 km run on 31 Jan 2014 Thursday

Covered 10.17km in 59min52.9sec at night, finished the run 25min ago. Felt like I was running fast but the time is slow, about just under 6min per km pace. This is the thing I dislike about running in poorly lit surrounding, it kind of gave me the illusion that I am running fast. 

22 km run on 12 Jan 2014 Sunday

Completed my 1st run at ECP in 2014 this morning! 22km in 2hr 10min 36 sec, average 5min56.18sec per km. This is not a fast time, but a good run for me. I knew that I can run a faster first 10km and then hold on to the second half. Finished the 1st 11km in 1hr3min36sec and the second half in 1hr7min. I felt good for the 1st 12km and then try to relax and run easy. Finished 15km in 1hr28min, there is this guy who was tailing me and I run well for the next 4km till the 19km. I was feeling my body temperature going up, had to take a quick break to drink water and poured water over my head to cool down. I continue with the run and try my best to maintain a 6min pace. Try to finish the last km at a quicker pace, but my body was not responding well and I eventually finished the last 1 km in 5:45. Overall a good run, but just need to know my body better, learn to pace well and push harder the next run. If I do not push myself enough, I know I always look back with regrets! Just want to make ...

17 km run on 11 Jan 2014 Saturday

Wanted to try to beat my pb for the 10km at the stadium, but it was closed for 3months for maintenance work. So I run from the YCK police station via Lentor,Yishun Ave 1, till the end across the causeway turn right till the end of the pathway and back to Lentor/YCK road. Total distance 17.25km in 1hour41min47sec. Started out slow, legs were feeling heavy till after 4km. Felt better, so tried to increase pace a little. After turning around at the end of the pathway at the Seletar Aerospace park, tried to relax and up my pace a little. All was well till the last 3km, the weather was really hot, just tried my best not to slow down too much. It's kind of like a shake out run, have not run more than 10km since 1 Dec 2013.

20 sub 3 hours Singapore runners at the SCB Marathon ?

Just wondering when will day comes when we see the top 20 runners at the SCB Marathon all finishes in less than 3 hours ! That will be an achievement for Singapore runners ! 

Are we going to run out of oil in the next 20 years ?

Recently, I picked up a book titled "Half Gone" by author Jeremy Leggett. It's a book about the world running out of oil in the next 20 to 30 years based on estimated oil reserve of our planet. I feel that this is indeed a very serious topic, which will really affect of us on Earth as we are so dependent on oil as a fuel. There will be no air travel if you think about it, other land based transportation will probably be available. It will definitely adversely affect all of us ! It will be like going back to pre-oil days or 200 years back ! 

First Run in the new year of 2014

Completed my first run this morning, 4 Jan 2014, Saturday. 25 laps of 400m, total 10km in 51min35.828sec. I think I almost PB, not too sure as it was long time ago, almost 20 odd years back in the early 90s or before. Well I cannot really ask for more, as my training mostly are not consistent. This is about 58sec faster than what I did last Saturday. But it's really important to feel what's its like as you get faster. Your body needs to feel it, your legs, your lungs, your heart, your breathing, all will be different as you progress. It's also important to push your limit, your body will adjust,  but you need to know when to push, how much to push yourself. Sometimes, you just have to give it a try when you are feeling good and push yourself hard but know your limit. It feels really good when you PB, it's kind of like breaking down the barrier.