Improving our Space Technology

I think the only way for human to get better at Space exploration is to practise more. We need to get our launch technology right and reliable and build space craft that have some endurance and track them accordingly.

We need to launch more space craft and practise docking with each other, with more common standard and make them more manoeuvrable. Travelling to the moon should be a everyday affair and of course the moon base should be built as soon as possible.

Like someone who said before, we need to get as many people into space and stay indefinite period of time, in order for human to survive as a technologically advanced race.

First, I think we need to learn to behave like a logical adult and more co-operation effort to get our space exploration going. Less war and more money will be available for such explorations. Be less self centred and greedy as well, but this will require a great deal of discipline from the typical human beings.



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