What determine the human behaviour ?

Every human has certain fixed set of behaviour that is built-in from birth, such as seeing, breathing, eating, moving and learning. Other than the basic see, breath and eat, we need to learn the rest of the acquired part of human characteristics. A baby is basically neither good or bad in nature as they do not know anything, they are like a blank sheet of paper or a empty hard disk.  What they become as they grow, is all learn from what they see, hear and read, and learn to decipher all these inputs into their brain.

Human beings need to learn how to educate the child from the time of birth, but this is a difficult thing to do,  but only for the more educated adults. The normal adult will not know much about how to teach and in still the correct set of social and intellectual behaviour for a child.

I think the basic thing to remember is to not behave in a bad way in the presence of very young children, as they cannot tell what is right or wrong and they initially learn by observation of other human beings.

As they learn and grow, they are able to slowly distinguish between what is good or bad behaviour. They will usually adopt the behaviour that they observe to be dominant in the important characters of their lives, such as parents, close relatives, teachers and good friends.

In our modern world, the media and social media will greatly impact how they think and behave. I think its important to impart the correct moral value to children and to teach them the consequences of their behaviours and how it will impact their lives.

All the above are especially difficult to implement in the less developed countries and it become a vicious cycle that they cannot avoid or leave. This is one of the reasons that countries without a good government get perpetually trapped in such a never ending cycle. Even for some countries that are deemed "developed", many of their citizens in the lower ream are still trapped and only the better educated are able to avoid such a faith.

Perhaps its a human traits that only the fittest stay at the top of species, and nature only allow a certain percentage of the population to be in such a position. So no matter how hard you try, the proportion of the classes will never change much. You cannot have a population of all tigers and no rabbits!


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