Sundown Half Marathon on 31May/1Jun 2013
This year the organiser Split the half an full maratthon into 2 different night, I did the half marathon early this morning. The race started promptly at 11.30 pm and I manage to get into the start pen for the under 2 hours runners. I had mixed feelings as I did not put in the effort to train properly. Started really smoothly, there was not much of any bottleneck as I was in the faster batch. I was feeling really apprehensive, keep wanting to go faster but hold myself back to run at my own pace. I would consider this as a good race as there were many better runners than me who serve as pacer for me. They kind of provided me the benchmark and motivation for me to keep pace and not to slow down too much. I think I made a good decision to not run too fast at the early part of the race and I retain some energy for the last few km till the end. There was nothing new about the route as it was similar to most of the half marathon races but at least there was no one section that was very...