SG Citizens - Be consious about your environment

SG Citizens, before you throw anything on the ground, before you leave the table after your meal at the food centre, try to clean up, or when you take a bus, do not put your feet up on the seat opposite you. If every individual do their part on keeping the environment clean, SG will be a really clean country and not a cleaned country.

Teach your children the same principle as well, let them grow up with a good grounding on keeping the environment clean. Most people in SG just do not care once they get out of their house. You should not litter and keep the surrounding environment clean. I am quite sure majority of the people do not litter at home and will clean up after they eat at home. Do the same when you are out in the public as well.

Everything about SG is first class in most peoples' eyes, especially foreigners. But we local know the fact that it's only the physical environment, we still have a long way in terms of developing the individual. 


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