14.1 km run on 28 Oct 2014 Tuesday

Only 38 days left to the Standard Chartered Marathon 2014 on 7 Dec 2014 Sunday. Trying hard to clock as many km as possible before race date, although I am not going to clock a very fast time. My aim is to go below 5 hours and hopefully break my pb of 4hr57min52sec.

Just did a 14.1km run last evening in 1hr25min6sec, I felt that it was a good run for me. My thought for the run was to clock at least more than 10km, which I did achieved. I was trying to run a comfortable pace and maintain it throughout the run, which I managed to maintain as well. But, I think I need to start my run earlier so that I can cover more distance, running at night always seems like a rush for me, I want to be able to see daylight and run comfortably. I average 6:02 per km for this run and I find that this is a comfortable pace for me now, so I hope to duplicate this feeling for my next run but cover at least 18-20 km.


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