18.02 km run on 18 Nov 2014 Tuesday

It rained all day on Tuesday, till about late in the afternoon when the sun finally emerged from behind the cloud. Decided to go for a run at Bishan Park at about 5:20 pm, had no concrete target in mind, just hoping to run around 12-15km.

Started slow from home to the park which is about 2.5 km away, the loop at the park is about 3.3 km. Just run easy at about 6:15 - 6:20 pace for about 4-5km, after which the pace picked up and I ran mostly below 6 min pace for the rest of the way.

Not a very smooth run, as I could feel a little strain in the thigh and calf muscle. Stride felt ok, but just not as smooth and effortless as I hope for. But, after Sunday's 30km run, I feel much more confident of completing long run I set out to do, as I know that I can complete these comfortably if I run at the correct pace. In the end, I covered 18.02 km in 1hr50min1ssec, averaging 6:06 per km.


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