Thoughts on the Movie "Interstellar"

The movie is nice, and it reflects on human weaknesses. Human are very much emotional creature and are selfish, they usually regards their personal priorities as the most important even in the face of their own impending extinction. Children are not rational and adults are not much better.

Space exploration is below our current technological capability, its just like deep ocean exploration. We are so too vulnerable in the harsh environment of deep ocean and space, perhaps we need to be able to explore the deep seas before we venture to space. We need the hardware to ensure we are protected in space, spaceship tough enough to withstand any foreign object that will strike our spaceship, we need a big enough spaceship large enough to carry enough food and fuel to bring us to our destination. Also better equipment to help with detection, be sure of where we are going and navigational equipment to bring us back.

If you look at our current technological level, we will need many more years to be comfortable to be a space faring race. In the meantime, we should continue to watch sci-fi move to satisfy our space exploration dreams.


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