20.05 km run on 10 Nov 2014 Monday

The weather has been rather wet due to rain these last few days, so had to do some of my running in the gym. Yesterday evening was cool after the rain had stopped, went for a 20km run to a park and back, in 2 hour 3min 19sec, averaging 6:09 per km.

Started out at about 6pm, was feeling rather lethargic for the first 4-5 km, but managed to get a good  rhythm once I entered the running path at the park. Just to relax and run easy between 5.30 to 5.50 per km pace. I was not able to sustain it for long but just tried my best not to let the pace drop too much from the 6min per km. I just push on despite the feeling of tiredness creeping in and keep my momentum. I know if slow down too much, the flow will be gone. I just let the momentum carried me through as I covered more ground. I think this is a good strategy, although my fitness level is still far from ideal, as I managed to complete the 20 km run in just over 2 hours.

Today, one thing to note is that I did consumed 2 gels with 2 short water break. So I think nutrition and water is very important as well during training run. Hopefully, I can put in a few more such runs before the Standard Chartered Marathon on 7 Dec 2014. 


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