30.68 km run on 16 Nov 2014 Sunday

At last, managed to clock a 30.68 km run this morning with the help of my running buddy at East Coast park. Started out at 5:08am, it was a slow run for the first 19.43km, averaging approximately 7min per km.  We just take it easy and at a very controlled pace. Started at Ford road car park and turned back only at the NSRCC back to the start point, 19.43 km in 2:15:55. The aim is to run at a relax pace and clocked in the mileage, which we achieved.

From the 20km onwards, managed to maintain a pace of below 6min per km till the end of the run. I was quite sceptical of whether I would be able to maintain a constant pace initially, but as I passed from 20 to 21 to 22 to 23 km, my legs and body seems to holdup well. From there, I felt comfortable running at an average pace of about 5:45 per km, I was able to even increase my pace slightly over the rest of run, achieving a peak of 5:36 per km.

Today's run seems to indicate that my overall fitness has improved quite a bit, and I can hold a constant speed even at the end of a long run. One thing I did right was to make sure my body has sufficient energy, I consumed a total of 4 energy gel today, one, before the start of the run, one at 9.75 km, one at 15.8km and the last one at about 23 km. I felt much more confident today, and I was quite sure that I would be able to complete the 30 km even when I was at about the 18km mark. Completed the full 30.68 km run in 3hr19min54sec, averaging 6:31 per km and I finished strong today, covering the last 0.68km in 3min14sec.

Overall, a good run today, hopefully next weekend, I can at least complete a 32km run.


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