
Showing posts from October, 2014

Few good running venue in Singapore

Singapore National Parks Board has done a great job building up all the park connectors in Singapore. Hopefully, in the next phase of upgrading the park connectors, the pathway could be built of bitumen instead of concrete pathway. I just ran through the connector from Lentor Ave to Upper Thomson Road, which is very nice but it was solid concrete. The only place that one can truly run without crossing a road is East Coast Park (ECP), the only traffic light that you need to cross (starting from Ford Road) is the one at the Tanah Merah Coast Road before you hit Changi Coastal Road. Other than ECP, the rest are just too short in distance and too many traffic disruptions along the way.

14.1 km run on 28 Oct 2014 Tuesday

Only 38 days left to the Standard Chartered Marathon 2014 on 7 Dec 2014 Sunday. Trying hard to clock as many km as possible before race date, although I am not going to clock a very fast time. My aim is to go below 5 hours and hopefully break my pb of 4hr57min52sec. Just did a 14.1km run last evening in 1hr25min6sec, I felt that it was a good run for me. My thought for the run was to clock at least more than 10km, which I did achieved. I was trying to run a comfortable pace and maintain it throughout the run, which I managed to maintain as well. But, I think I need to start my run earlier so that I can cover more distance, running at night always seems like a rush for me, I want to be able to see daylight and run comfortably. I average 6:02 per km for this run and I find that this is a comfortable pace for me now, so I hope to duplicate this feeling for my next run but cover at least 18-20 km.

20.5km run on 26 Oct 2014 Sunday

Did a 20.5 km run on Sunday with a friend, but not my usual training route. There were numerous uphills and downhills and we covered the distance in about 2hr 50min. Although a very slow run, it helps to train the muscle groups which normally do not get much strain.

10.14 km run on 19 Oct 2014 Sunday

Covered 10.14 km in 1hr00min21sec earlier this evening, averaging 5:58 per km. Slow easy run today, no stress, just run at a comfortable pace.

17.21 km run on 18 Oct 2014 Saturday

Started my run this morning at about 8.05am, a little late though. Standard Chartered Marathon is less 50 days away, so I must at least do a long way every week till race day. My target today is to put in at least a 100 min of running, I covered 17.21 km in 1hr49min11sec. Ideally, I should be running at least 20km in about 2 hours, but I fall short today. I just want to run with a relax mind today and covered some distance. I managed to do just what I wanted to and hopefully I can do a few more long runs in the coming few weeks. I want to try to at least do one 30km run before the actual race on the 7 Dec 2014 Sunday.

6.4km run on 15 Oct 2014 Wednesday

Did a short run of 6.4km around where I live, it's a loop course of 1.6km per lap and I covered 4 laps in 41min10.461sec. I always run slower at night due to my poor night vision. Just tried to run in a relax mode today, trying to enjoy the run. Singapore is a very humid place, I am drenched through when I completed the run, even at such a slow pace.

4km run on 14 Oct 2014 Tuesday

Did a short 4km run at the stadium this evening, covered the distance in 20min25.935sec. This was a slow run and I felt fine all the way, did not push myself much as I did not have any set target today. Good flow today, should have push myself more to see what I can achieve.

10km run on 13 Oct 2014 Monday

Went for a early evening run at the stadium at 5.33pm. Completed 25 laps or 10km in 51min49.503sec, averaging 2:04.38012 per lap and 5:10.9503 per km. Started the run at about 2min per lap and went through 2km in 10:05. Although I am not exactly in good physical condition, I can still push my body a little here and there. I got a good rhythm  today and I was trying hard to try to beat my pb of 51:35. At about the 6km, start to have abit of a running nose, but otherwise still going well. But at about the 8km mark, start to slow to 2:10 per lap. I tried hard to speed up but only managed 2:08 for lap 23, and went through the 24 lap in 2:01.624. Put in a final bust for the last lap and managed a 1:40, last km was covered in 4:44. Could have clocked a faster time and a slim chance of a pb if I have push a little harder from the 8-9 km, but a good run overall. I had a good feel of how my body react when the going gets tough and how to keep pushing through the rough patch.

Chicago Marathon 12 Oct 2014 Results

Eliud Kipchoge from Kenya crossed the line in 2hr4min11sec, 6 seconds off his personal best. Rita Jeptoo also from Kenya won the women race in 2hr24min35sec. Singapore Ashley Liew finished in 2hr35min39sec, if this is indeed official, he improved his personal best by 1 sec. Congratulations to Ashley !

Chicago Marathon 2014 -20km 58min58sec

The lead group went through 20km in 58min 58sec.

Chicago Marathon 2014 - 15km Time

The Chicago Marathon, 12 Oct 2014 Sunday, the lead runner passed 15km mark in 44min13sec.

How come Earthlings are not pushing the limit of Space ?

The international space station is out there now, but nothing new seems to be happening these days ! I  guess we have more things happening on the ground! Why no one testing a new spacecraft with a human in it and go further from Earth? 

2.4km run on 10 Oct 2014 Friday

Did a short run, 6 laps or 2.4km at the stadium yesterday, clocked a time of 11min31.854sec. I begin to wonder how fast can I really run at my peak condition ? Anyway, I think discipline is very important if I want to achieve a good timing for any of my run.  

4.4km run on 9 Oct 2014 Thursday

Completed a 4.4km run, 11 laps at the stadium today, in 22min58.029sec. This is a really a slow pace for anyone who is serious about running. I wonder how runners can run at 12 km per hour for the full length of a marathon, which translate into a 3hr31min run. I must really try to keep my body in the low 60kg to improve my running time. (I am only 168cm tall)

3.2km run on 8 Oct 2014

Did a short run of 8 laps at the stadium today, 3.2km in 16min2.964sec. Lap time: 2:08.039, 2:05.740,  2:01.471, 2:00.854, 2:00.599, 2:01.451, 1:59.754, 1:45.056. No particular target in mind, so just run to loosen up my legs which was aching after yesterday's run. 

14.02 km run on 7 Oct 2014 Tuesday

Completed a 14.02 km run on 7 Oct 2014 Tuesday, in 1hr 24min 59sec, averaging 6:04 per km. A trashy first 6km in 38min 27sec and a not too bad run for the last 8km. Did a further 4-4.5 km during the return leg of the run, but its just too slow.

Men Marathon results Asian Games 2014

Mahboob Ali Hasan from Bahrain came in 1st in 2hr12min38sec just a few minutes ago, Kohei Matsumura from Japan came in 2nd, one sec behind in 2hr12min39sec and Yuki Kawauchi, also from Japan, came in 3rd in 2hr12min42sec. It was a very close run, the 1st 3 runners finishing within a space of 4 seconds in a 42.195km run. Another impressive run from Yuki Kawauchi, an amateur runner with a regular job as a civil servant in a Japanese school.

19.48 km run on 2 Oct 2014 Thursday

This is my first run after 2 weeks in Europe, significant drop in my fitness level. I covered 19.48 km in 2hr 4min 36sec, without any water intake, same route as my 12 Sep 2014 Run. For the 1st 10km, my body was feeling fine but somehow I already felt that it will not be a smooth run. Nevertheless, tried my best to push on but my pace began to drop after 12 km from 6:03 to 6:11, 6:18, 7:03. My pace dropped further from 7:03 (15km) to 8:24, then 8:39, but managed to speed up to 7:38 then 6:59 for the 19th km. I guessed it could be due to not eating a proper meal before the run, I had only some biscuits. So its important to watch what we eat as well to do well for a run.