
Showing posts from 2015

1st Run of Year 2016, 1st Jan

Completed my first run of the new year 2016 this morning, 5.2 km in 27min36.9sec, 13 laps at the Yio Chu Kang stadium. Ran 2 other individual laps separately, the 1st in 100.83sec and the 2nd in 91.88sec. Happy New Year to All who is reading this post! Hope all humans become united as one race, so that we can start exploring other worlds!

It's Time to start Thinking

Why do we end up with our current state of world affairs ? Well, one of the reason is because many of us human are not thinking right! Our mind are easily influence by what other people say and our actions are a results of the ideas we absorbed from these people. If these information we absorbed are bad and evil, the decisions we made and things we do will harm people around us and our surrounding. We need to start thinking right and we need to teach people how to think right. We should start with the way education are given and start a subject called 'Thinking'!  We should teach people to make good use of our powerful mind to the benefit of our kind and the planet we live on. The trouble we are in now, the way the world is evolving, is a direct consequences of the actions of the bad thinking of many of our fellow humans. Whatever stress and suffering we experience are all self inflicted. Imagine the world without war, without crime, it would be a wonderful world !

Running need some natural talent

I read on JRN that Yuki Kawauchi just ran his 28th sub 2:13 marathon and 50th sub 2:18 of his career. This why this is titled Running need some natural talent, if you are not born with some physical talent, I do not think a normal human can achieved such results. He work full time in a school from Monday to Friday and he is not a professional runner. How do you find time to train to run this fast ? He races often and uses these races as training run as well. He often run with so much effort, you can see the strain on his body as he run with grimacing expression. Anyone who is really into running, will know how 'fast' is sub 2:13. If you ever run sub 2:13, you are a runner who is at least 99.5 percent faster than all human beings on earth. He has done 28th sub 2:13, his fastest is 2:08:13. If I can ever break 3:30, it would be a super achievement ! I hope his news would inspire me to run more seriously and faster in the coming years ! He is not the fastest in the world ...

12 km run on 19 Dec 2015

Completed a 12km run in 1 hour 7 min 22 sec on 19 Dec 2015 Saturday. This is the longest run I did after the SCB marathon on 6 Dec. I just needed a run to gauge my fitness level, as I could my legs were strong and raring to go run, especially my calf muscle.  I averaged 5:36 per km, I considered this quite a good run, as I felt confident and my stride was smooth. I could have push my body to go a little faster, should have taken advantage of the opportunity to test how far I could go.

Thoughts on 2015

The year 2015 is coming to an end in about 15 days time. On a global scale, human has gotten from bad to worst, you see people being manipulated and doing stupid things. People are still as selfish and self centre as before, never really thought about what they are doing will impact others. We are the only one on this planet who kill each other intentionally with the use of weapons. The so called highly educated people do the most dumb things but still think it's right ! Human need to think more and think in the right way, but this is difficult with our current level of knowledge ! The only way earth will be a better place to live, is for human to start thinking in the right direction ! 

Review of My SCB Marathon 2015

I actually had enough training based on my personal running history over the years. I am just a very ordinary runner who always dream of breaking 3 hours in the marathon. I took part in a total of 11 marathon but only 3 are under 5 hours. So you can tell I am a slow runner, who dream big. Prior to the race, I logged about five 3 hours run, and maybe about five 2 hours plus run and a series of other 10km or more runs. This year, I clocked 4 hours 59 min 27 sec, 12 min 1 sec slower than 2014. The main reason is because my body won the battle against my mind, I was so overwhelmed by the tiredness of the body and I walked a little too much. The fun part of the race is the last 10 km when your body is extremely tired and it's ready to just give up. This is when your mind take charge and start to remind you that you should not give up. Last year, the muscle cramp started around 26km of the race, this year managed to delay it until I reached 30km. From this point onwards, I had to ...

Singapore Standard Chartered Marathon 2015

This year I reached the start point at about 4.30am with my cousin, we took the mrt train there. For the first time, I slept really well even though it was only 3 hours of sleep. I intended to be as relax as possible and I managed to do just that. I was feeling extremely relax and with my cousin's company, the waiting time passed very quickly. I did not try to move closer to the start line like what I did in previous year which I think save me a lot of trouble. The race started at 5 am sharp for the elite runners, I started in the second batch at about 5:04 am. As usual, it was a slow start. Covered the 1st km in 6:15, which was faster than I expected. But one thing to note is that only about 62 percent of the full marathon slots was filled, which was why I found that it felt less crowded when I was running. The second km was slower at 6:51 and passed through the only enclosed place on the route, it was the Fort Canning tunnel. The third km was clocked at 6:14 but from the ...

Singapore biggest running event 6 Dec 2015

The 2015 Singapore Standard Chartered Marathon is just over 15 hours away, on 6 Dec 2015, 5am. (Current time SG 1:20pm) The top prize for the elite ruuners is USD50.000.00 for 1st place. The top elite would finish the race in about 2hours15min for the men and about 2hous40min for the women.  In recent years, no Singapore men has ever run faster than 2:38 and for the women below 3 hours. Hopefully, the weather remain good and we get to see some good time from the local runners. I am hoping to finish around 4:30 tomorrow, I want to try to remain positive and relax throughout the run. I am looking to perform better in the uncharted territory in the last 10km, this would be a great achievement if can run 10 min faster in this last stretch. Wishing all ruuners all the best in the race, remember your mental strength is so much stronger, so make good use of it !

16.17 km run on 29 Nov 2015

Started the run at 5:31am this morning, the plan was to run 20km in under 2 hours. It started to rain about 3km into the run, decided to turn back at about 5.29km, nearing Buangkok green. After it started to rain, decided to just clocked as close to 20km as possible. In the end, I only completed 16.17km in 1 hour 41minutes 41 seconds. The last long run before the 6 Dec 2015 Singapore SCB marathon. 

27km run on 22 Nov 2015

Completed 27.06 km in 2 hours 54mininutes 46 seconds according to my Garmin 620 watch. It was a slow run but it served its purpose, that is to train my body to accustomise to running long distances. It boast my confident that I am able to successfully run long distances at about 6:30 per km pace. 

2 Hour Run on 15 Nov 2015 Sunday

Today, I struggled to finish a 2 hour run, covered 19.15km. 20 days to the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon on the 6 Dec 2015. Not much time left to run much, I am going to try to build up my core muscle group a little the next 2 weeks. Hopefully, this will help me to complete the last 10km a little faster. I am going to try to maintain a very positive mindset throughout the whole run. I am hoping to dip under the 4 hour 30 min mark.

Are the rich born in the right place at the right time? Are the poor victims of a system designed to keep them down?

This is the content of the program I just watched on Discovery Science-Through the wormhole with Morgan Freeman-S5 Ep8. The answer to the first question would be likely yes, you need to be in the right environment to make it rich. The answer for the second question would be no, no system is designed to keep people down. Its how parents bring up their children, the parents own level of education, the government policies and the environment they live in. In our modern world, the government play a major role in our societies. Their plan for the country in area of social policy, education and the economy will affect how people live their life. Of course, the quality of the people in power, will definitely affect the outcome of the country. If a corrupted government is in power, its people will suffer. Should the UN intervene with a military expedition and forcing a democratic election in such a extreme case ? Ultimately, it boils down to the mind set of people in genera...

The Future of Human

The one factor that will determine our future is technology. What is technology ? Technology is the skill that we develop that will help us do things more efficiently through the tools that we develop. It can save us and can also destroy us. We need to at the same time tame the animal in us, the greed that we harbour, the power that we crave, our self-centre nature. Human only think about themselves and never really think about how we change our environment through our actions. We are all physically the same but the different races cannot see eye to eye and are always trying to control others. We really need to think hard about how we are affected by our mind. Everyone has a brain but how we develop our thinking will determine how we live and our future. We are at a point where we can destroy ourselves and our planet a few times over, but sadly we are still trying to cheat each other and kill each other because of different mind set. Why do we need to have power to control o...

24 km run on 8 Nov 2015

Started out on my run late this morning at 6.34 am, wanted very much to start around 6am to avoid the heat as much as possible. I completed the first 10km in less than 1 hour 2 min but the subsequent 10km was much slower, I completed only 18.73km in 2 hours. In total, I completed 24.32km in 2hour 37min. I think its very important to be positive and confident about your body ability, it will definitely help you to run better. Keep reminding yourself that you want to run well and you are definitely able to run well at a good pace. But remember to practice good hydration and nutrition during your run as well to provide the energy that your body needs.

3 Hour 2 Min 57 Sec Run

Covered 28.31 km this morning, 1 Nov 2015, in 3hr2min57sec. Hope to cover at least another 3 run of at least 3 hours prior to SCB Singapore Marathon on the 6 Dec 2015. I will try my best to achieve at least a pb of 10min faster than last year 4hr47min26sec. 

New York City Marathon on 1 Nov 2015

Yuki Kawauchi is running the NY Marathon this Sunday, 1 Nov 2015. I hope he achieve a top 10 placing and a good timing as well. I saw the policeman in motorbike trying to force him to drop back at last year edition, I think it's such a shameful thing to do to a elite marathoner! Hope he run a really good time this Sunday! A sub 2:08 would be really nice !

Human should put aside differences and greed

Human are inherently selfish and greedy. It's in everyone no matter how you try to overcome this shortcoming. We need to avoid falling into this same trap again and again. No matter what you do, you will die one day. Do not be greedy and want to have everything you desire and crave for more. How much you need to eat, how big a house you want, it's all very little that is required. There is only so much physical thing that you need, more importantly it's your physical and mental well being of you that will determine how well you have live your life!

Three hours run on 25 Oct 2015

Completed a 3 hours 2 min 44 sec run on 25 Oct 2015, covered a distance of 27.66km according to my Garmin 620. It was a slow run, averaging about 9km per hour. No muscle clamp today, I was just trying to run as relaxing as possible. I will try to cover at least 30km this coming Saturday.

High population growth is an issue

High population growth is still an issue in many parts of the world, and subsequently bring about other related issues such as water population, hygiene, shortage of food, deforestation, crime and many others. One of the main issue is housing millions of people in proper housing with adequate water, food and giving them a job. Historically, people are attracted to big population area with jobs to offer, and this start off leaving rural areas sparsely populated, but causing cities to be jammed packed with millions. This in turn caused a housing issue, many high rise buildings need to be built to house these people. High density housing becomes the norm and all sorts of social issues start to emerge, which is prevalent in our modern society. So economic growth at what "cost" ? Human created all these self inflicted problems and can blame no one. We need to find balance even when want economic growth and try to pre-empt and eliminate such p...

Running at the top level is difficult

Running at the top level is difficult. You have to be super disciplined, make sacrifices to eat well, rest well and stick to your game plane plus keep pushing hard to breakthrough to the next level. But, do not resort to making use of prohibited substances, such uses have tarnished the image of the sport. Everyone get suspicious when competition results are so good!

Asian Gap in Athletics Performance

From the recent World Championship results, it is obvious that Asia is so far behind. The most populous continent only produce so few medalist and in some events, there are no finalists at all. Even Asian powerhouse become so insignificant at such world level competition, something is not right at all. Sometimes, I think it show how determine the Asian athletes are compare to some small unknown countries. Or maybe it's how bad you want to win for your country and how much you know about the level of competition and how you train to face off the competition. I think Asian athletes need to change their mindset, training and awareness of the competition in order to win in future world level competition.

Teaching People to use their mind power

All normal people can think, it's just a matter of how much and how deep your thinking goes! Most people do not know much about making full use of their mind, most people think alike and this is the evident that they do not give much thoughts about their everyday live. I think it would be good to teach people how to think effectively from young. But thinking can be a difficult subject to teach, if everyone can thinking logically and effectively, this world will be a much better place to live.

World Athletics Championship 2015

The World Athletics Championship just concluded recently in Beijing, China, with Kenya topping the medal standing, followed by Jamaica, USA, UK and Ethiopia. Actually, it's not fun to have a competition whereby the winners always come from the few countries. Hopefully, in the near future, countries with big population will raise to challenge for medals and more even competition, especially China, India, Indonesia, Brazil and the rest of the nations. And hopefully, we have honest competition from all countries!

What determine the human behaviour ?

Every human has certain fixed set of behaviour that is built-in from birth, such as seeing, breathing, eating, moving and learning. Other than the basic see, breath and eat, we need to learn the rest of the acquired part of human characteristics. A baby is basically neither good or bad in nature as they do not know anything, they are like a blank sheet of paper or a empty hard disk.  What they become as they grow, is all learn from what they see, hear and read, and learn to decipher all these inputs into their brain. Human beings need to learn how to educate the child from the time of birth, but this is a difficult thing to do,  but only for the more educated adults. The normal adult will not know much about how to teach and in still the correct set of social and intellectual behaviour for a child. I think the basic thing to remember is to not behave in a bad way in the presence of very young children, as they cannot tell what is right or wrong and they initiall...

Improving our Space Technology

I think the only way for human to get better at Space exploration is to practise more. We need to get our launch technology right and reliable and build space craft that have some endurance and track them accordingly. We need to launch more space craft and practise docking with each other, with more common standard and make them more manoeuvrable. Travelling to the moon should be a everyday affair and of course the moon base should be built as soon as possible. Like someone who said before, we need to get as many people into space and stay indefinite period of time, in order for human to survive as a technologically advanced race. First, I think we need to learn to behave like a logical adult and more co-operation effort to get our space exploration going. Less war and more money will be available for such explorations. Be less self centred and greedy as well, but this will require a great deal of discipline from the typical human beings.  

How many people are above 100 years old in Singapore ?

I am wondering how many Singapore citizens are above 100 years old as of today, 25 August 2015 ? But, data will definitely not be accurate, as back in 1915, official record keeping did not exist! Human always had and still has problem keeping our data accurate !

3.2 km run on 24 Aug 2015

Did a short run of 3.2km or 8 laps of 400m at the stadium in the evening, clocked 15min 19.349sec. Initial plan was to try to maintain 2min per lap for as many laps as possible, but gave up the attempt after 8 laps. Not in the right state of mind to do a focus run, will try another day.

19.53km run on 21 Aug 2015

Today, I was on another mission to complete a 2 hours run again. I started slow as usual, and completed the 1st km in 6:39, but I started late at about 6:40pm so that the weather is cooler. As the run carry on, my pace increases to about just below 6 minutes per km. The late start did make the run a lot easier, you get into rhythm without having to have the heat slowing you down. Although it's cooler, the temperature of about 30 degree Celsius still caused the body temperature to go up as you run faster. I just hang on to a sub 6 minutes pace till the last portion of the run. My pace drop to 6:20 plus for a uphill portion and eventually slow further to 6:40 plus towards the end. Completed the 19.53 km run in 2hours 21seconds, without any water intake. 

19.28km on 13 August 2015 Thursday

Went out for a early evening run at 5.10pm, the weather was very hot and I could feel my body temperature raising rapidly. Started very slow at just below 7 min per km pace, and slowly settled down to a 6:10 to 6:20 min per km pace. Tried my best to stay at a consistent pace of around 6:15 per km, as my aim was to run for 2 hours. Although the weather was really hot, I found that by running at a consistent pace, I used up my energy more efficiently and did not feel tired so quickly. I ran without water intake throughout the whole duration of the run. A good run today as I finished the run feeling strong although I could feel my body temperature getting a little too high. Finished the 19.28 km in 2 hours 6 seconds, averaging 6min14sec per km pace.

So who is not doping in Athletics ?

The recent leaked documents seems to imply wide spread doping in athletics at world class level. The question everyone will be asking now, " So who is not doping ? ". It is bad for athletics, anyone who run fast will be suspected of doping at the coming World Championship in Beijing. Maybe in the future, all athletes should be made to eat natural food and plain drinking water, or eat food and drink stuff available in the public rather than special diet which they prepare on their own, which might contain special ingredients. This is the problem of science coming into the athletes' training and diet.

Construction in space and exploration

I am wondering has any country tried construction activities like building a spacecraft in space before ? The ISS is more like Lego rather than real construction. Human will need to master such feats before we can venture further into space. Building a huge spaceship and lunching it from earth will be a huge task with our current level of technology. We need to start learning how to build more complicated stuff in space and maybe produce material in space as well. Our current spaceship is like child play when compared to those in science friction movies. We have a lot of work to do before we even reach the level whereby we can travel to the moon and back regularly. If we can get to the moon regularly, then perhaps we can build a moon base and use it as a staging station for further exploration and also to test the robustness of our spaceships. This will need a combined efforts from the various nations to get some significance progress in a short time. 

SG Citizens - Be consious about your environment

SG Citizens, before you throw anything on the ground, before you leave the table after your meal at the food centre, try to clean up, or when you take a bus, do not put your feet up on the seat opposite you. If every individual do their part on keeping the environment clean, SG will be a really clean country and not a cleaned country. Teach your children the same principle as well, let them grow up with a good grounding on keeping the environment clean. Most people in SG just do not care once they get out of their house. You should not litter and keep the surrounding environment clean. I am quite sure majority of the people do not litter at home and will clean up after they eat at home. Do the same when you are out in the public as well. Everything about SG is first class in most peoples' eyes, especially foreigners. But we local know the fact that it's only the physical environment, we still have a long way in terms of developing the individual. 

14 Km run on 25 July 2015

Reached the stadium at 5:58am this morning, initial plan was to start running at 5:30am and run for 2 hours. Anyway, started to run and it was cooling in the early morning. The problem is that I always mis-judge the pace when I run when the sky is dark, my first lap was 2min40sec, way too slow. It took me a while to slowly warm up, in fact, the first 4 laps(400m each) were all completed over 2min30sec each. It was just difficult to run fast early in the morning, ran the 5th to 8th lap all around 2min29sec per lap. Ran the 9th lap in 2min28sec and the 10th lap in 2min25sec. My plan to run 50 laps of 2min24sec each vanished. The next 10laps was completed between 2min20sec to 2min27sec. I wanted to run in an environment where I can ignore if there was any rough uneven ground that I might trip over or looking out for vehicular traffics or concern of hard surface which might cause injury. This is why I choose to run in a stadium sometimes. The next 10 laps were ran a little faster as the s...

3 km run on 16 July 2015

Just completed a 3km run at the stadium, 7.5 laps of 400m each. Clocked a time of 13min56.132sec. I have no actual plan in mind before the run as it was already quite late when I reached the stadium at 7.30 am. The 1st lap was completed in 1min57.270sec, followed by 1min55.189sec, 1min55.205, 1min53.907, 1min52.846, 1min51.649, 1min45.000sec and the last 200m in 45.066sec. Almost every lap was ran a little faster than previous lap except the 3rd lap which was slower than the 2nd lap. My personal best for the 3000m is 13min1.5sec achieved more than 20 years ago,  I will need more training to run a faster time.

Registered for the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 6 Dec 2015

I registered for the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 6 Dec 2015, Sunday. Last year, I clocked a personal best of 4 hours 47 minutes 26 seconds for the 42.195km. This year I am setting a target of 4 hours 30 minutes, which will translate to a average time of 6 minutes 23.93 seconds per km covered. Its not a fast time but it will take some consistent training starting now, the main aim will be to make sure the body can take the constant pounding over the 4 and a half hours.

Improved on 10km time by almost 1 min

I managed to run 51min4.109sec for the 10km or 25 laps run at the stadium on 10 July 2015, Friday. It's almost a minute faster than what I did on 8 July 2015, but I believe I can still go faster. Just need to learn to push my body a little more with each run, the mind is in fact much stronger than the body.

10km run on 8 July 2015

I ran another 10km or 25 laps of 400m each, at the stadium on 8 July 2015, Wednesday morning. I did managed to reach the stadium a little earlier and started the run at 7:06 am but as usual without much of any warm up exercises. I managed to average 2min5.83sec for the first 24laps and ran 1min41sec for the last lap for a final time of 52min1.866sec. It was about 14 seconds faster than my last 10km run on 3 July 2015 Friday. I considered this a good run as I had been away for 4 days on a short holiday and had not run during this short period of time. I actually find that my body can take the beating and I could have done at least maybe 51min30sec, but during the run my mind keep thinking its a difficult task. This constant thinking probably held me back from running a faster time.

10km run on the morning of 3 July 2015

Started my run at the stadium at 7.09am Singapore Time. Initially my plan was to run close to 2min per 400m lap and try to achieve a new PB for 10km or 25laps(pb 50min21sec). Usually, I do not do any stretching or warm up, except the short run from my house to the stadium, about 400 m or so. So today, as usual I found the early laps were difficult, extremely slow moving, averaging about 2min6sec per lap. Unfortunately, it did not get any easier or faster with lap, I kept averaging about 2min7sec lap. Around 7.40am, the sun was up and the temperature started rising, I just kept the laps going. I only start to speed up at the 23rd lap, 2min3sec, 24th lap 1min59sec and last lap 1min39sec. The final timing 52min15sec. Well, with every run, I learnt something, I am comfortable going around 2min7sec for 20 laps. So maybe next run, I can start 15min earlier and do better warm up and try to average 2min5sec for the first 20laps and try again for the PB.

5.6 km run on 29 Jun 2015

Achieved a new PB of 27min9.635sec on 29 Jun 2015 for the 5.6km run at the stadium. People might wonder why I run such odd distance ? Well, its because I used to take part in the Annual JP Morgan Run here in Singapore and train for the run at the stadium. This is a run that take place every year in several cities the company operate in, including London, New York and a few others. My PB for this JP Morgan Run on the road is 25min23sec in 2008.

New Horizons - US Space Probe

New Horizons, a Nasa space probe launched 19 Jan 2006, will be flying by Pluto on 14 July 2015. The main purpose of the mission is to study Pluto, Charon and the Kuiper Belt, plus some other minor missions. Hope Scientists learn more once new data and images are obtained from the probe.

Another Failed Rocket Launch

There was another rocket launch failure just hours ago in the United States, it was supposed to be a resupply mission to the ISS and also carrying some experiments aboard. After 57 odd years of launching space missions, human still, cannot get the technical issues and technology right ! Unless, these so called experts can get the basic right, we can forget about travelling further from the earths' neighbourhood !

10.17km run on 20 Jun 2015

Covered 10.17km from Yio Chu Kang/Lentor Ave junction to Yishun Ave 1/Orchid Country club, in 58min8sec, on Saturday . I always find it so much harder to run along walkways beside roads, as here in Singapore, other than running in parks or at the standard stadium, you have to run on walkways along the road. These walkways are made of concrete and its not very conducive for running, its often use by cyclists or people with electric bicycle. These people normally assume runners will give way and they never both to stop at all. I can never achieve good time when I run on such walkways or routes.

5.6km run on 16 Jun 2015

Did a 5.6km run or 14 laps at the stadium today, in 27min39.390sec. Initial plan was to run as many laps at 2min per lap for 25laps and set a personal best. But than on the 13 laps,  I got stitches and would not be able to last for another 12 laps. So I just try my best to compete the 14lap as fast as possible to finish the run. All 14 laps were either 2min or faster, except for lap 10 at 2:02. I am running better than I ever did previously, my legs felt good and I can probably go even faster. 

6km run on 14 Jun 2015 Sunday

After 6 days of no running, I covered 15 laps or 6km in a time of 30min 7.816sec at the stadium on 14 June 2015. This was faster than the 30min12sec that I managed on 6 May 2015, in fact my first 3 laps was very slow, 2:14, 2:11 and 2:05. My last 6 laps were all faster than 2min each.

Singapore Track and Field still way behind the Southeast Asian Countries

The 28th Sea Games in Singapore ends today and the conclusion is that Singapore is way behind the Southeast Asia Track and Field Powerhouses, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia and even Myanmar. We are way weaker physically and mentally, we need to work harder to catch up or fall further behind. We need to raise the medal we win from the 3-3-3 to closer to 6-6-6 to be considered competitive.

Short run on 16 May 2015

Did a short 7.5 laps of 400m at the stadium yesterday's evening, 3 km in 14min9.451sec. I have no plan before the run, just want to put in a short run. I also did a 200m in 49sec and a 400m in 87sec. I have been wanting to find out how fast I can run for a 400m and this is my 1st sub 90sec run probably in the last 2-3 years. This is not really a 100 percent effort, so I think I can probably get it down to 80-82sec. But the problem is as you run faster, there is not much grip on the synthetic track. I think the fastest I ever run for a 400m with a pair of running shoes was about 68sec many years ago. I might try to run with a pair of old spike I have to see how fast I can go !

20.4 km run on 13 May 2015

I finally managed a decent long run of 20.4km on Wednesday, 13 May 2015. I covered the distance in 2hr3min6sec, averaging 6:02 per km. This is not a fast time by any standard, but it did take me quite a bit of perseverance to complete the run, as physically I am just not fit enough. Need to do some exercise to improve my core muscle group and also to reduce my body weight by at least 2 kg. Just have to keep training and pushing to run faster time.

2.4km run on 8 May 215

Completed a 2.4km(6x400m at the stadium) run this morning, 8 May 2015, Friday, in 10min37.877sec. Probably my fastest time for this distance in last 3-4years, although I am not in the best shape physically but I am mentally stronger. Sometimes, we just have to learn to run at a faster speed than we thought we can handle. You might feel like you are running out of breadth, but your body can actually take it and we just need to learn to get use to it.

6 Km run on 6 May 2015

Repeated my 6km run again on 6 May 2015, completed the 15 laps of 400m each, in 30min12sec. This is surely faster than yesterday's run of  31min29sec. My mental state was much better and I did a little bit of warm up exercise on the 6 May 2015 and this is reason why I run 1min17sec faster over the same distance. It could have been at least 15-20 sec faster if I had push my body a little bit harder. It is important to be positive mentally and maybe some visualisation of the next run will help us to run faster.

Recent few runs

Did a 12.41km run to Bishan park and back home, covering the distance in approximately 1hr15min on Friday, 1 May 2015. It was a bad run, started our really slow and my kegs were heavy. I guess sometimes I will still need to stretch my legs a little to warm up and run a little faster to avoid such a situation, where I really struggle with my run. My next run was  on Monday, 4 May, 2015, this run was better. I covered 14.22 km in 1br25min, still slow but did not suffer from the heavy legs situation again. I was able to run a better second half and finished well with a fast closing stretch. Did a 6km run on 5 May 2015 at the stadium, 15 laps on a standard 400m track in 31min29sec. Slow run but necessary to make sure I still can run at faster pace than my longer run. 

Singapore Distance Running in 2015

There are a few bright spots and good results in the news for Singapore Running ! A 41 years old record was broken for the mens 10,000 m in June, 2014, Soh Rui Yong ran 31min15.95sec in Oregon, USA. He ran his maiden marathon in the US in 2hr26min01sec on the 7 Dec 2014 at the California International Marathon, the second fastest time ever by a Singaporean. Mok Yin Ren is another elite Singapore runner, he just arrived in the Boulder, Colorado, USA, a few days ago to train with Lee Troop, a Australian Olympian. Has is the SEA Games 2013 marathon gold medallist(2hr28min36sec), his personal best is 2hr26min30sec. Then there is Ashley Liew, who is also studying in the, US, who ran 2hr32min12sec in the New Orlean Rock and Roll Marathon on 25 Jan 2015. There are quite a few others who can run below 3 hours, Lim Thow Wee(2hr48min49sec), Fang JianYong(2hr38min40sec), Ning Wenlong(2hr53min57sec), just to name a few. Hopefully, with the SEA Games in Singapore, more Singapore a...

2 Runs on 23 Apr 2015 Thursday

I did a 4km run in the morning in 20 min flat, just trying to make sure I run after 2 days of no running. I did a 5km run in the evening in 24min4sec, initially I was trying to see if I can keep going at 2 min per 400m lap for 24laps. But, I think I go out too fast, averaging 1:57-58 per lap. I ended up just running 12 and a half laps instead. One thing I noticed, is that I am more comfortable running at a faster pace of around 2 min per lap now. I believe I can keep up with the 2 min per 400m lap for 20-24 laps soon and I will hit a PB for he 10km run at the stadium.

10km run on 20 Apr 2015 Monday-PB

I managed to run a life time best of 50min21.87sec for the 10,000m at the stadium near where I live on the 20 April 2015, Monday. (on a standard 400m track) I have been running well by my standard lately and I was quite confident that I would get this PB sooner or later. My plan was to stick to a 2:03 per lap pace for most of the 1st 24 laps and go all out for the last lap which would enable me to break my previous PB of 51min3sec. 24 laps at 2min3sec per lap would give me 49min12sec and I would just need 1min47plus sec to break 51min. I usually can do a 1min40-45sec quite easily for 1 single 400m lap. I did better than 2:03 per lap on Monday. Here's my breakdown of the 25 laps. 1) 2:03.065 2) 2:04.922 3) 2:00.727 4) 2:00.506 5)2:03.361 6)2:01.851 7) 2:00.599 8)2:01.396  9) 2:01.746 10) 2:01.341 11) 2:00.575 12) 2:00.862 13)2:02.159 14) 2:04.905 15) 2:03.813 16) 2:02.737 17) 2:02.608 18) 2:03.354 19) 2:04.187 20) 2:02.847 21) 2:01.921 22)2:01.892 23) 1:59.319 24) 1:55.124 2...

6km run on 16 April 2015

Completed a short run of 6km yesterday's evening, in 29min25sec, another PB for me. I have never run this fast before, average less than 4:55 per km. I guess sometimes you need to want it bad enough for things to happen! I have always like running and read up quite a lot on running, especially race reports on the web. I was reading Mary Cain's achievement last year and I was wondering wow 4:04 for 1500m at 17 years old ! Reached World Championship Final of 1500m ! She even has a PB of sub 2min for the 800m, a sub 9min for 3000m and a 15:45 for 5000m! She is only 19 years old this year ! 

7.2 km run at the Stadium on 14 Apr 2015 Tuesday

I was quite happy with my run onTuesday at the stadium, why ? I managed to maintain an average speed of  120.27sec per lap for 18 laps of 400m, which I have never been able to achieve before. I completed this 7.2 km run in 36min5.003 sec. I ran it with a take it easy attitude and I felt good before the run. But, one thing is that I keep feeling like I was running slow and was inpatient to keep running at the same pace and at the same time worry that if I run faster, I would burn out. Anyway, I am happy I have done a sort of a pb for the this distance, which gives me more confident to run longer distance at the same speed for the next run.

Singapore Open Athletics Championship 2015

I was at the New Singapore National Stadium, I witnessed the running of the men 10,000 metres race. The overhead shutter was 85 percent close, providing shade from the afternoon sun. There were about 8-10 competitors in the race, the first 2 places were Vietnamese athletes, running an average of about 75 seconds per lap. To a layman it might means nothing watching the athletes running at such a speed, but to any average runner who ever timed themselves running a lap on a standard 400m track, it will be mind blowing. When I watched the 2 front runners, I can feel like they were sprinting instead of running. I myself perhaps can run averaging 2min2.1sec per lap for 25laps, I really cannot visualising myself running at 75 seconds per laps. It will take some natural talent and lots of tough training to run at such a level. The winner completed the race in 30min36.53sec, averaging 73.462sec per lap, the 2nd place runner finished in 30min57.81sec, also Vietnamese. Third was local runner...

21.35km on 7 Mar 2015 Saturday

Covered 21.35 km this morning, but it was slow, 2hr23min plus. Tried out a new route today, start from Yio Chu Kand Road towards upper Pierce Reservior. Ran along old Upper Thomson road until I reached Reservoir park, I saw some runners who ran along the golf course. I followed them and ended up at the Macritchie Reservoir. Ran back to Yio Chu Kang Road via Thomson, then Upper Thomson Road. It was a nice scenic route and the early morning air was refreshing ! Slow but enjoyable run !

13.24km run on 1 March 2015, Sunday

Start my run this morning at about 7.01am, weather was cool. I have no real target today but was initially thinking of a 20km run. Not in the right state of mind, just trying hard to do a double digit for mileage. Eventually covered 13.24km in 1hr22min42sec, averaging 6:15 per km. Thinking about work, which is not going too well. But, anyway just have to stay positive in the mind. Correct state of mind, will result in positive action in life !

Short run on 28 Feb 2015 Saturday

Just need to put in a run, a messy run today. Did 2 km run in 9:54, average 4:57 per km. did a 1 km in 4:25.7 and another 1km in 4:22 and a slow 6:46 for another 1km then run a slow 1.79km home. Started the run too late, about 9 am and the sun was already burning high and hot. Initially I was thinking about trying to go below 4:15 for a 1km but I guess my food intake was minimum yesterday, so not much energy reserve to run fast. 

Short Run on 23 Feb 2015 Monday

Did a 4km run on 23 Feb 2015, Monday. 10 laps at the stadium, completed in 19min19.353sec, averaging about 4:50 per km. Ran another 3 laps in lane 5, slow, finished in 6min54sec for 1.26km. No target in mind, just need a quick run.

Brooks Marina half marathon 14 Feb 2015

Completed the Brooks Marathon Half Marathon on 14 Feb 2015 Saturday, the 1st long distance race of the year. It's a night race and the start time was 7.30pm at the Marina East Garden just next to the Shears Bridge. The race started at 7.30pm, according to the DJ, there were about 2,000 plus runners in the half marathon event and about 3,000 plus in the 10km which flagged off at 5.30pm. There were 2 waves and I was able to start in the 1st wave as I reached 40 minutes before flag off. I was able to get very close to the start line and everyone was running fast at the start, but I was conscious of how fast I can go and tried my best to hold back to around 5.45 per km pace. My pace was comfortable and close to what I can hold for a 20km run, passed through 5km at 28:17. Held this pace till about 8km mark and then speed up a little to about 5:20 for the 9km and then even faster to 5:09 pace for the 10km. Passed the 10km mark at 55:30, not too bad but can feel that I am not running q...

19.39km run at East Coast Park 8 Feb 2015 Sunday

Completed a slow 19.39km run on Sunday morning, 8 Feb 2015 in a time of 2 hour 8minutes 45 Seconds. Started the run at 5:13am from Ford Road carpark. Did not feel any fatigue at all during most part of the run, as we were running at a pace that still allow us to engage in a conversation almost throughout the run. I was at the same time checking myself to see how my body react at various stages of the run, and it was status green all the way. In fact we could have completed 30km easily if we keep the constant pace. 

20km run on 31 Jan 2015

Followed an old route which I used to run, from Lentor avenue-Yio Chu Kand Road junction towards Yishun, via Yishun avenue 1 to Seletar West Link. The Link is now open and it turned around when I reached the 10km mark in 59min43sec. Previously this road was still under construction and I had to turned back around 9km. I started the run early, around 4:56pm, therefore the weather was quite hot. For this run, I was focused on keeping a sub 6min per km pace, and was trying hard to maintain this pace or faster. I almost forgot that it was 5plus pm in the afternoon, and my transition lens shaded me well, as I did not feel the glaring sun much. I was running well despite the hot weather but I did have 2 water break at Seletar reservoirs park toilet at the 3.2km mark and 16.8km mark. I eventually finished the 20km run in 1hr 58min 5sec, this is a good run as I managed to push myself to maintain an average pace of 5min54sec per km for the entire run.

12 Km run on 24 Jan 2015 Saturday

Started my run late at about 8.26 pm, no particular expectation but I know it had to be short as I will be running more on Sunday. Run easy, 1st km reached in 5:48, continue to run relaxingly and it turned out to be a good run. Felt good throughout the run, so I just try to push my body to go on without feeling tense. In the end, I completed the 12km in 1 hour 6min 7sec, averaging 5:30 per km.  One of my better run lately, one that I felt satisfied!

What is our brain truly capable of ?

Further to my much earlier post of the movie "Lucy" , though it might be some what exggerated in their portrayer of the brains' ability, we are definitely capable of much more. Human are often distracted by useless thoughts and wasted too much time indulging in meaningless activities. We will definitely achieve much more if are mentally stronger and be more focus on doing the right thing to improve our overall level of knowledge and evolve into a truly rational thinking living organism. 

Big warships need more short range weapons

Modern large warships of today lack short range weapons for self protection and close range engagement. Take a look at the armaments available today on aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ship , supply or support ship, most are small calibre guns which do not offer any real assault ability. Once these big ships are isolated from their other better arms ships in their naval task force, they are sitting duck ! Even modern destroyers or frigates suffer from the same fate. If any one have a few portable anti tank missile launchers would be able to take out a big destroyer. If you try to count how many guns a big US Navy destroyer has, it will not exceed 5. Probably a 5 inch main gun, 2 Phalanx CIWS and a few 20-25mm cannon. If a few laser guided or GPS guided short range missiles are available it would make a big difference!  A few would mean 20 or more missiles to defend the ships or engage close range attackers. Put in a few rapid firing mini guns at strategic position would e...

19.5km run at East Coast Park 18 Jan 2015

Completed the 3rd ECP Ford Road Carpark to NSRCC run on Sunday morning, 18 Jan 2015. Completed the run in 1 hour 56min 28sec, the fastest run for this stretch in my recent history. Reached the half way point in 1 hour 10sec and the second half in 56 min 18sec. Not exactly fast by any standard, just have to work harder to run faster. 

2.4 Km run at the Stadium

Went for a short run at the stadium this evening, 6 laps around the track. The distance is 2.4 km, completed in 11min00.319sec. The breakdown as follow: 1:53.964 1:56.152 1:51.700 1:52.774 1:48.925 1:36.804 Not a fast time and completed quite smoothly, could have push myself to run much faster.

Truly Independent Thinking Human Being

Our so called modern world are plagued with so much problems, almost all self inflicted. Why this statement ? The answer is we cannot think and act independently plus rationally. We know what is good for ourselves and for our environment, but we are always influence by our evil self to act and do things that are not in line for a good purpose. We need to control our mind and think and act to the benefit of ourselves and our fellow beings and environment. We need to overcome our greed, our thirst for power to control others, our greed for more physical assets and many more unwanted desires. Human beings are always selfish in nature and greedy, we need to control such evil thoughts  (countless) and act in the correct way to ensure our kind survive.

3 run in 2015

Today is the 13th day of 2015, I am looking to run better this year. I am off to a slow start, only completed 3 run to date. The 1st run was a 5km run at the stadium in 24min25sec on 3 Jan 2015. The next run of 2015 was at East Coast Park, covered 19.4 km in 2hr11min3sec on 4 Jan 2015. It was a slow run, only the last 3 to 4 km was run at less than 5min per km pace. The 3rd run was also at East Coast Park on 11 Jan 2015, Sunday, in a time 2hr2min21sec. The 1st 9.7km was completed in 63min22sec and the second 9.7km in 59min. Only the last km was completed in less than 5min per km pace, average pace was 6:17 per km. I can see improvement in my ability to run a much faster 2nd half of a run, I able to run with more confident even towards the end of a run. I am able to accelerate and run at a faster pace despite already covered 17-18 km. I will need to cover more distance and make an effort to build up my core muscle strength, in order to really run faster this year.